Changing the Display Order of Entities

How to change the display order of the entities in the TaxPlan data entry screen.

When working on a client group in TaxPlan you’ll typically see a company, a trust, individuals and possibly a self-managed super fund.

Each entity column can be reordered:

  • use the arrows ◀️ ▶️ in the entity tabs to move columns right and left

This is the order the columns will display in the reports you print from TaxPlan Plus.

Viewing more data

  • If you have more than five entities, simply scroll backwards and forwards by putting your cursor on the screen to roll backwards and forwards with your mouse button
  • Alternatively go to the right-hand side of the screen and scroll up and down with your cursor
  • At the bottom of the screen there’s also a scroll bar you can slide backwards and forwards

TIP: If you’re working at the bottom of the screen but the entity names are at the top, hover over any column to prompt the name and type of entity or individual in a small display box (top right).