I'm not receiving the ChangeGPS emails?

We don't want you to miss out on platform updates, webinars or other important information from ChangeGPS. You can ensure you don't miss out by checking your spam/junk folder.

Follow these steps:
  1. First, locate your spam or junk mail folder which should be on the left-hand side
  2. Locate the search bar, this should be at the top and enter “ChangeGPS”. Next to the text you have just entered, to the left, it should indicate that you are only searching in your spam or junk mail folder ("Current folder").
  3. This should show any emails from us that have been redirected to your junk folder. In Microsoft Outlook you can right-click one of the emails and go to Junk - Not Junk:

You are now ready to keep up to date with all things ChangeGPS! We send out regular updates for upcoming webinars, so if you notice you haven’t received any, you may need to check your junk/spam folder again. 


Whitelist our changegps.com.au domain

  • Ask your IT/Email team to add our email sending domain to your whitelist / allowlist. This tells your email server that it should expect to receive emails from any from address containing our domain (changegps.com.au).

If you have any further issues receiving our communications please Contact our Support Team