Assign licences to a user profile to gain access to a new plan or module
Update the user profile to assign licences
For new and existing members of ChangeGPS, this article relates to the access your users have to applications / plans within the ChangeGPS Platform.
Admin users can assign licences to allow access to specific plans to each of user:
- Navigate to Settings > Users
- Click on the person icon next to each user
- Select the package or license for each user
- Click Save
The number of plans available and remaining will be updated accordingly.

A green button indicates the user has been assigned a licence.
A grey button indicates the user does not have access to that plan - no licence assigned
A red button indicates that no licences are available (not subscribed to that plan)
Watch this video for step-by-step instructions:
To unsubscribe a user from a plan or remove a licence simply de-select the plan from the user's profile and save.
Ref: 127359