How do I keep a record as evidence of an individual client ID cited?

The Engage App now has a new feature which is ideal for your individual clients and citing one form of ID (eg. Drivers Licence)

ChangeGPS Engage keeps you compliant with a brand new visual identity register feature - making your life so much easier!

Refer to this helpful article on why you need to include client identification in your onboarding workflow from 1 July 2020.

Track the status on the the Engage App Dashboard

From the Engage app dashboard you will see a new column for ID Cited. This gives you a quick reference to track the status when ID's have been cited or not.

Where to add the cited ID details on a new Engagement

During your new Engagement setup you can now record when an ID has been cited. Go to Tab 2. Client Details and find the ID Cited buttons (Yes / No)

When you click on YES the follow pop up window will prompt you for the specific details including:

  • Date and time of citing
  • The type of ID cited
  • Confirm the documents were original or certified copies
  • How the documents were cited - in person or sent electronically

When you click on NO the register will be updated to indicate no ID was cited.

Update ID Cited after an Engagement letter has been sent

Users can also record the ID cited details after a letter has been sent but not yet completed.

From the Engage Dashboard, find the record of the sent file and click on the Actions button.

Click on Cite ID and update the details.

While the ChangeGPS platform enables you to record and keep a register of ID's cited, for privacy and security reasons we don't offer the option to upload or keep copies of any actual ID documents.