What are the features and benefits of the Service Plan module?

The Service Plan & Potential module available as part of the Core Pro plan, gives your accounting firm a way to report on your key services and performance across your clients.

See your practice through the lens of services used and potential, sorted by partner and manager to track performance and profit.

A set of typical primary services are provided across the areas of Compliance, Business Advice, and Wealth Advice to create profile of your client groups.

Use a Service Plan in your next client meeting to easily explain all of the services you can offer to your client, in particular what you'd like to recommend for them over the next 6 months. This makes it so easy for all in your team to offer new services to your clients.

Get a Summarised View of Service Coverage

We use the collective data from your saved Service Plans to provide a firm-wide overview of all your services, broken down by in use, not required and opportunity status.

To view the summary of all services across your entire firm in one single view. navigate to Potential in the CORE section.

For the first time, see the real potential and easily spot areas to grow your business.

Filter the results by service, status, group partner or manager, and export a list of primary email addresses that you can filter by service and/or status and import into your marketing engine for targeted marketing campaigns. 

Calculate Potential Missing Revenue

Users can export the service plan list as an Excel doc and add some quick calculations to count the opportunities and multiply these by the average fee $ value.

Navigate to CORE > Potential and click on the Export tab. Here can select to only include only specific or all services and opportunities.

Marketing Segmentation Strategies

Set up a marketing campaign for your clients based around particular service opportunity offering. Send bulk email campaigns to your client list using any direct eMarketing platforms such as MailChimp. 

Using the exported data which includes your client emails, filter down to clients that either are in need of a key service, or you could also include clients that aren't yet using this service. Import this filtered list to create a targeted marketing campaign.

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