We want you to confidently offer new services like Estate Planning and Asset Protection to your clients.
Timothy Munro, Founder of ChangeGPS, together with experts like Grant Abbott, will offer a unique open Q&A session fortnightly, where you can:
- Ask specific client questions
- Learn about structures you aren't as familiar with
- Get specific learning on how Protect works
- Ask any question you like to help you confidently roll out estate planning services to your clients
Estate Planning and Asset Protection is about to change with PROTECT which offers a comprehensive Estate Planning strategy for your practice, including the ability to:
- Create a digital database of all your client assets (including intercompany loans & personal items),
- Seamlessly select from 6 basic and 19 advanced strategies per asset and entity,
- Quickly produce an estimate using the templated fee summary and implementation plan for all strategies,
- Brand New Presentation mode to share reports in video meetings.