Where can I find out about past and upcoming ChangeGPS webinars?

Accounting! with Dave and Tim web events are informative and helps to keep our members abreast of current issues and opportunities.

Find details and register for upcoming Web Events as follows:

Check your Mailbox

We send email invitations to all our members and the registered users on your account in advance. If you find that our marketing emails are landing in your spam or junk folder - whitelist our domain asap. Here's how

In-app Alerts

When you login to the ChangeGPS platform users will get an in-app notice with a link to the registration page. You will also find this notice is accessible from the Launchpad (find the icon in the top right of the navigation bar)

Check the ChangeGPS website

Find details on the Resources section of our website

ChangeGPS Facebook Community

Join our Facebook community here

Can't attend? Access past web event recordings

The web events are always recorded and accessible by registered attendees and all members.


As soon as possible after a web event a recording will be added to the ChangeGPS dashboard

Support Videos

Access the dedicated support videos here

Knowledge Hub

Find the Recent Webinars page on the Knowledge Hub

Check your Mailbox

We send recordings of the webinars to all registered attendees soon after the event